Acting Lessons

Imagine feeling comfortable in your skin and excited to perform, knowing that you’re thoroughly prepared, mentally and physically, to deliver at every audition and performance. Imagine taking the offensive in front of an audience because you know you belong there. Imagine playing in a wide range of theatrical styles and being able to move easily between the stage and working on camera.

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Acting is a craft intended to shed light on the truth of what it means to be human. Like any craft it can be taught. I will expand your knowledge and awaken your creative imagination so that you can become a successful, working actor. In a nurturing, creative environment, I will encourage you to get in touch with your emotional life and I’ll teach you to recognize emotional life in the behavior of others. I will give you the tools you need to become sensitized to language so you can read between the lines of a script to find its truth and the behavior that reveals it. You will learn to harness the power of your inner voice and bring the full force of your passion to every performance.[arrows style=”arrow-red-7.png” align=”center”]

Whether your goal is to work on Broadway or on television, I can help you live your dreams faster because I’ve been where you want to go. If you can see yourself standing on set or on stage relaxed, present, confident and in control, you can make it happen. If that picture inspires you to train to be your best take the next step. Dreams become reality by doing.

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[testimonials style=”6″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Rachel%20Drayke” company=”Actress” href=”” image=”×150.jpg”]




Still have questions? Contact Philip for more information about acting lessons HERE!
